Felicia Eth Literary Representation
FELICIA ETH LITERARY REPRESENTATION FELICIA ETH, PRESIDENT 555 BRYANT ST., #350 PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94201 UNITED STATES Tel: 650-375-1276 E-mail Address: feliciaeth@aol.com Submissions may be sent either online to feliciaeth.literary@gmail.comor by hardcopy to...
Fine Print Literary Management
FINE PRINT LITERARY MANAGEMENT PETER RUBIE MAIN OFFICE 207 W. 106th St., Suite 1D New York, NY 10025 Tel: 212-279-6214 E-mail Address: peterrubie@prlit.com Website: http://www.prlit.com/ How to submit Query peter at peter@fineprintlit.com Peter Rubie specializes in a...
Waxman Leavell Literary Agency
THE WAXMAN LEAVELL LITERARY AGENCY SCOTT WAXMAN AND BYRD LEAVELL 1650 BROADWAY, SUITE 1011 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019 UNITED STATES General Inquiries: 212-675-5556 How to submit The Waxman Leavell Literary Agency (WLLA) was founded by literary agents Scott Waxman and...
Marjacq Scripts, Ltd.
MARJACQ SCRIPTS, Ltd. R24 Offices 103 Kingsway London WC2B 6QX +44 (0) 20 7935 9499 Tel: +44 (0) 207 935 9499 E-mail Address: enquiries@marjacq.com Website: http://www.marjacq.com New writers: please read our submission guidelines before sending us material....
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT WME | IMG - NEW YORK CITY 11 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 212-586-5100 UNITED STATES Tel: (212) 586-5100 Formed in 1898, William Morris Agency is the longest-running talent agency. In 2009, WMA merged with Endeavor to become...