Agent Search

Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency, Inc.

SCOVIL GALEN GHOSH LITERARY AGENCY, ** Authorlink Preferred ** Jack Scovil, Russell Galen and Anna Ghosh Phone: 212-679-8686 Fax: 212-679-6710 276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 708 New York NY 10001 UNITED STATES Tel: 212-679-8686 E-mail Address: Website:...

Linda Chester Literary Agency

LINDA CHESTER LITERARY AGENCY LINDA CHESTER, Principal 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Rockefeller Center New York, NY 10111 212.218.3350 Tel: 212-218-3350 Website: How to submit  Please note that we have a full client list and are...

Sheree Bykofsky Associates Inc.

SHEREE BYKOFSKY ASSOCIATES INC. SHEREE BYKOFSKY, PRSIDENT 4326 Harbor Beach Blvd. PO Box 706 Brigantine, NJ 08203 UNITED STATES Website: How to submit: If you want to query me, please send an e-query...

Felicia Eth Literary Representation

FELICIA ETH LITERARY REPRESENTATION FELICIA ETH, PRESIDENT 555 BRYANT ST., #350 PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94201 UNITED STATES Tel: 650-375-1276 E-mail Address: Submissions may be sent either online to feliciaeth.literary@gmail.comor by hardcopy to...

Fine Print Literary Management

FINE PRINT LITERARY MANAGEMENT PETER RUBIE MAIN OFFICE 207 W. 106th St., Suite 1D New York, NY 10025 Tel: 212-279-6214 E-mail Address: Website: How to submit Query peter at Peter Rubie specializes in a...