Waxman Leavell Literary Agency
THE WAXMAN LEAVELL LITERARY AGENCY SCOTT WAXMAN AND BYRD LEAVELL 1650 BROADWAY, SUITE 1011 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019 UNITED STATES General Inquiries: 212-675-5556 How to submit The Waxman Leavell Literary Agency (WLLA) was founded by literary agents Scott Waxman and...
Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
JEAN V. NAGGAR LITERARY AGENCY FRANCES KUFFEL 216 EAST 75TH STREET, SUITE 1E NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021 UNITED STATES Tel: 212-794-1082 Website: http://www.jvnla.com How to submit Over 30 years thriving, always prepared to meet and challenge the future. In the shifting...
Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency, Inc.
SCOVIL GALEN GHOSH LITERARY AGENCY, ** Authorlink Preferred ** Jack Scovil, Russell Galen and Anna Ghosh Phone: 212-679-8686 Fax: 212-679-6710 276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 708 New York NY 10001 UNITED STATES Tel: 212-679-8686 E-mail Address: annaghosh@scglit.com Website:...
Sheree Bykofsky Associates Inc.
SHEREE BYKOFSKY ASSOCIATES INC. SHEREE BYKOFSKY, PRSIDENT 4326 Harbor Beach Blvd. PO Box 706 Brigantine, NJ 08203 UNITED STATES shereebee@aol.com Website: http://shereebee.com/ How to submit: If you want to query me, please send an e-query...