DH Literary, Inc.
DH LITERARY, LTD. DAVID HEADLEY, MANAGING DIRECTOR 23 - 27 Cecil Court London WC2N 4EZ Telephone: 0207 836 7376 E-Mail enquiries@dhhliteraryagency.com (please do not email submissions to this address) http://www.dhhliteraryagency.com/ How to submit David is actively...
Denise Marcil Literary Agency, Inc.
MARCIL-O'FARRELL LITERARY LLC Denise Marcil and Anne Marie O’Farrell 86 Dennis Street Manhasset, NY 11030 annemarie@marcilofarrellagency.com Tel: 212-932-3110 How to submit Marcil-O’Farrell Literary, LLC is a full-service boutique literary management agency...
DeFiore and Company
DEFIORE AND COMPANY BRIAN DEFIORE 72 SPRING STREET, SUITE 304 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10012 UNITED STATES Website: http://www.defioreandco.com/homepage.htm How to submit DeFiore and Company is always looking for exciting, fresh, new talent to add to our list of...
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT WME | IMG - NEW YORK CITY 11 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 212-586-5100 UNITED STATES Tel: (212) 586-5100 Formed in 1898, William Morris Agency is the longest-running talent agency. In 2009, WMA merged with Endeavor to become...
Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency, Inc.
SCOVIL GALEN GHOSH LITERARY AGENCY, ** Authorlink Preferred ** Jack Scovil, Russell Galen and Anna Ghosh Phone: 212-679-8686 Fax: 212-679-6710 276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 708 New York NY 10001 UNITED STATES Tel: 212-679-8686 E-mail Address: annaghosh@scglit.com Website:...