Assisted by AI, Edited by human experts

Killer Book & Manuscript Queries that sell


One of the hardest things for a creative writer to do is to switch focus to writing marketing copy. We do it for you, using AI only as a starting framework, without sacrificing our human editorial experience—or yours! Here we humans duke it out with artificial intelligence to produce magical copy for you.

Real Results

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Real Opinions

Melanie S.

“I found the results generated by AI for my query letter and summary tremendously helpful. I had struggled to talk about my own work in a compelling way, and the ability of the AI to summarize my work—not only the plot but the themes and meaning—was remarkable. I was able to compose a solid query and summary from the three samples—a marked improvement to the query letter and summary I had written on my own. Impressive and worth it!”

Larry P.

“You know you don’t like writing those query letters and plot overviews for agents/editors. Why can’t they just read, well, everything? But they won’t. They want a handful of terse, honest paragraphs about you, your manuscript, and why you’re hoping they’ll love your book. Use Killer Query to take that first daunting step to help you get your hard work noticed.”


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I submit my document for a Killer Query?

Click the “submit” form on this page, and follow the steps to complete payment and upload your document. For the best results, please submit the full manuscript or published work of between 200 and 480 pages, or 50,000-120,000 words. Please be sure you are submitting a final work. Any revised versions you submit will incur another charge of $89.

You will receive an email confirming your payment has been processed and we have received your manuscript or book. Please allow five working days from the submission date to receive your Killer Query Letter and Synopsis, or further notice. Note: not all works can be processed by AI. If you need help, use go to the CONTACT page to get in touch. We usually respond within 24-48 hours.


As in any review of literary work, you may or may not be satisfied with the report you receive. But we will make every attempt to provide you with an honest, experienced evaluation, with the assistance on AI. Our service addresses many aspects of your submission, including concept, hook, dialogue, character credibility, plot, suspense and more. If you are not pleased with the result we will refund the fee within 30 days of receiving your concern. Many customers have found  a variety of Authorlink services helpful in moving their writing careers forward.

Why trust Authorlink with my content, and are there some restrictions?

To attract an editor or agent in today’s competitive climate, your query letter and synopsis must be in the best possible shape. For more than 25 years, Authorlink has been helping writers improve their work, understand the publishing process, and make important connections with editors and agents. We have also been at the forefront of technology developments. For example, we were among the first online sites for writers and also one of the first to offer e-book production through Ingram’s Lighting Source. Authorlink owner Doris Booth has agented bestselling authors such as Stephen G. Michaud, the late Hugh Aynesworth, and the estate of Terry Maury. She has been involved in audio and film rights both domestically and abroad. Her team of website contributors all are published or professionally accredited communicators. Full-length story manuscripts or collections are ideal for this service. Please note, however, that  some AI content restrictions may apply. If so, you will be notified and the fee refunded.

Will my content be used to train AI models?

No! The AI systems we use publicly state that the specific query methods we apply do NOT use the input for AI training. Our approach is multi-layered. We usually run several queries on the material to obtain higher quality results.

Will I get Published as a result of the Killer Query Letter service?

Not necessarily. Nobody can guarantee that an agent will agree to represent your work, or that you will be published. But by using our enhanced query letter and synopsis,  you may have a better chance of being seen by an interested agent or publisher. The good news is: if you make a sale or secure representation, we don’t take a commission on the sale.

How do I know if my submission has been received?

You will get an emailed confirmation that your content and payment have been received.

If you need to get in touch after allowing for processing time, please contact us.