Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff

Hollywood Savage by Kristin McCloy

  Hollywood Savage Kristin McCloy Simon & Schuster 07/27/10 Hardcover/328 pages ISBN: 978-0-743286473 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . is a creditable novel from a writer with something to say . . ." Slow moving stream of consciousness. In...

Cultural Clashes: Grist for the Story Mill

Cultural Clashes: Grist for the Story Mill

    Cultural Clashes: Grist for the Story Mill by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro August 2010 ". . .each family has its own culture, way of doing things that is unique . . ." —Shapiro Some of the greatest works of literature arise from clashes between...

The Whisperers by John Connolly

  The Whisperers Charlie Parker Series #9 John Connolly Atria Books July 20, 2010 Hardcover/409 pages ISBN: 9781439165195 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . the “human” plotline is what truly makes this book outstanding." John...

Blood Men by Paul Cleave

Blood Men by Paul Cleave

Edward Hunter has it all—a beautiful wife and daughter, a great job, a bright future… and a very dark past. Twenty years ago, a serial killer was caught, convicted, and locked away in the country’s most hellish of penitentiaries. That man was Edward’s father. Edward has struggled his entire life to put the nightmares of his childhood behind him. But a week before Christmas, violence once again makes an unwelcome appearance into his world. Suddenly he’s going to need the help of his father, a man he hasn’t seen since he was a boy. Is Edward destined to be just like him, to become a man of blood?

The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick

The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick

IN LITTLE MORE THAN HALF A DECADE, Facebook has gone from a dorm-room novelty to a company with 500 million users. It is one of the fastest growing companies in history, an essential part of the social life not only of teenagers but hundreds of millions of adults worldwide. As Facebook spreads around the globe, it creates surprising effects—even becoming instrumental in political protests from Colombia to Iran.

Strong Justice by Jon Land

  Strong Justice Jon Land Tom Doherty Associates June 30, 2010 Hardcover/352 pages ISBN: 978-0765323361 Buy This Book www.amazon.com   ". . . simply riveting." Fast paced, character-driven blockbuster with verve. Texas Ranger Caitlin Strong and...

Radical Mediation: Agent, Evolve Thyself!

Radical Mediation: Agent, Evolve Thyself!

Literary Agent Jason Ashlock       Radical Mediation: Agent, Evolve Thyself! Special guest perspective from literary agent Jason Allen Ashlock Founder, Movable Type Literary Group July 2010 Edition In the past few years, across dozens of publishing...

The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman

    The Left Hand of God Paul Hoffman Dutton 6-28-10 Hardcover/372 pages ISBN: 978-0-525-95131-5 Buy This Book www.amazon.com     ". . . a complex and intricate world of mores and morals with a main character who is an enigma to the end."...